Configuring the Non-Staff Nominations Page

Non-staff users can be allowed to submit nominees for awards. To enable, first ensure the Allow Public Nomination check box is enabled.

The page displaying a nomination form to non-staff uses the Award Nominations for Public web content. If this page has not yet been configured in the Web Sites app, it must be created and published.

  1. Obtain the URL title of the page using the Award Nominations for Public content item. In the example below, the URL Title is "public-nominations."

  1. Create the URL directing clients to this page.
    This is the [ re:Members AMS Domain]/[URL Title]. Tip: It's useful to open a text editor and begin creating the URL there.
    Example: if the re:Members AMS URL is: and the URL Title is "public-nominations," the URL directing users to this page would be ""
  2. Next, locate the ID of the award for which non-staff will submit nominations.
    1. Open the Award Record.
    2. In the browser URL bar, locate the part of the URL prefaced by the characters, id=. This identifies the subsequent string of characters as the ID of the record being viewed.
    3. Highlight the ID in the browser bar, right-click, and copy it to your computer's clipboard.

Take the URL created in step 2, and add the text, ?id=, to the end. Using the example URL described above, the result should look like this:

Next, paste the ID of the desired award to the end of the URL (described in step 3, above). The result should look similar to this, with a long string of alphanumeric characters at the end of the URL:

This URL now directly links to an award nomination page specifically for the award whose ID was included in the URL.

Share this URL with any non-staff who should be able to nominate for that award. The Public Nominations page includes any custom fields added to the award, as well as a section for document upload if there is a document requirement.